When someone gets involved in an accident, whether or not they have caused it, they always fear losing their license. Suspending someone’s license can take away their right to drive a vehicle until they prove that they are skilled enough to drive it again.
Fortunately, the fact that getting into an accident will snatch away your driving license is false. But there are some circumstances where the crash could have your license suspended. You should contact a personal injury lawyer in Seattle right away if you are involved in an accident so that they can provide you with legal details about suspension of license and how to avoid it.
Will your license be suspended if you are involved in a car accident?
If you follow the law while driving a vehicle, it is less likely to get your license suspended. But there are specific reasons why your driving license can get suspended are mentioned below.
- If you were under the influence
Drunk driving is one of the most significant offenses. If you were under the influence of alcohol over the limit or drugs and cause an accident, you will face lots of charges and vehicle license suspension.
- If you were overspeeding
If you drive over the speed limit and lead to an accident, your driving license can get suspended. Even if it is the first offense, racing on the highways, you can still lose your license. Your license can even get suspended if you do not stop at red lights or if the police ask to pull up your car.
- Not wearing seatbelts
Seatbelts are made for our own safety. If you are involved in a car accident with your fault, not wearing a seatbelt can lead to severe charges and license suspension.
- Not reporting the case.
Even if the accident is minor or significant, you should always report the accident to the police. If you fail to do it, your license can get suspended.
- Failing to pay a citation
Your license can get suspended if the other party raised a ticket and you did not pay the ticket or failed to appear in the court.
What else do you need to know about license suspension?
Your lawyer can help you fight your case for license suspension, but they can not suspend your license. Likewise, your insurance company cannot suspend your license. But your insurance company can report the case to the local DMV, leading to licensing suspension.