Yes, you are allowed to change your name after a divorce in Singapore. A legal change of name after a divorce may signify a new beginning for you. For some, they may wish to revert back to your pre-marriage surname. For others, they may wish to adopt a completely new name altogether.
The process for changing your legal name after a divorce is as follows:
- Firstly, you will need to engage a lawyer who can assist you in drafting a document called the “Deed Poll”. A Deed Poll is a legal document that allows you to officially change your name. This document is a personal declaration.
- A lawyer will require the following (non-exhaustive information) from you:
- Your current name;
- Your “new” name (this can be your pre-marriage name or any other name);
- Your identification documents;
- Divorce certificate (where applicable); and
- Your registered home address.
- Thereafter, once your lawyer has prepared the Deed Poll, they will have to confirm your identity before proceeding to sign it.
- The endorsed Deed Poll can then be sent to the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) by way of hardcopy or online. In most cases, you will also have to contact other relevant institutions (e.g. financial institutions) to update your personal information.
- Importantly, you will have to obtain a new NRIC and passport that reflects your “new” name. Please refer to the ICA website for details on how to obtain your new passport.
However, it is important to note that while most name changes are accepted by the ICA, your application may face rejection for the following reasons:
- If your “new” name is offensive or vulgar;
- If your “new” name resembles famous politicians; and
- If your “new” name includes honorary titles like “Duke”, “Queen” etc.
There is no limit as to the number of times you may change your legal name. However, do take note of practical consequences of changing your name multiple times, such as the need to inform all relevant institutions of your name change, the need to obtain a new NRIC and passport etc.