Negotiations are an important part of any personal injury claim and they should be done with the help of an expert such as a lawyer. You should not deal with the insurance company on your own because it may hurt your case. The goal is to close the best settlement when the insurance company makes the first move. In such a case, Salt Lake City Personal Injury Lawyers can be your best bet because they have experience in dealing with such cases. Go through the below-mentioned tips if you want to increase the value of your claim:
Quote the right amount
It is not a good idea to set your expectations high because you might end up getting less than that. Have your claim evaluated by a qualified personal injury lawyer who has good experience in working on these cases.
Don’t accept the first offer
We all have the habit of losing our patience. People may accept the first offer thinking that they might not get this much in the future. It is not a good idea to jump at the first offer. Instead, you should let your attorney decide whether the amount is right or lower.
Ask for an explanation for the low offer
If the insurance company has lowered the amount, you must ask for the grounds why they have reduced the amount. it is a good idea to have your attorney talk to them about it because he is familiar with the personal injury laws depending on the state you live in.
Mention emotional points
It is suggested to mention why money is important. For instance, if you have lost your ability to care for your child, you should include it in your claim. These emotional points may raise the value of your claim.
Don’t act in haste
After responding to the first offer, you should wait for their reply. Don’t take any steps that may hurt your case. Moreover, you should not reduce your amount unless you get a new offer from your insurance company. Your personal injury attorney will be the best person to deal with them.
Don’t do anything by yourself
You might not be aware of the power an attorney holds in your case. You should let him handle the case, negotiate, contact and interact with different people.
A personal injury attorney knows all the tools and tactics to improve your settlement amount.